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Android Tutorial

Android ViewPager Example Tutorial

Format supervisor that enables the client to flip left and directly through pages of information. You supply a usage of a PagerAdapter to create the pages that the view appears. ViewPager is frequently utilized related to Fragment, which is an advantageous method to supply and deal with the lifecycle of each page. There are standard…

Android Navigation component and Safe Args Example

// Navigation component plugins { id ‘com.android.application’ id ‘kotlin-android’ // Ensure type-safety by using Safe Args id ‘androidx.navigation.safeargs’ } android { compileSdk 31 defaultConfig { applicationId “com.materialuiux.navigation_components_example” minSdk 21 targetSdk 31 versionCode 1 versionName “1.0” testInstrumentationRunner “androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner” } buildTypes { release { minifyEnabled false proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile(‘proguard-android-optimize.txt’), ‘proguard-rules.pro’ } } compileOptions { sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8…

Android WorkManager Example

In this tutorial, you’ll start with WorkManager, we’ll create a simple quotes app that sends a notification every day what is WorkManager ? The WorkManager API makes it easy to schedule deferrable, asynchronous tasks that are expected to run even if the app exits or device restarts. Benefits of using WorkManager Backwards compatible up to api 14 which…

android paging library tutorial with source code

In this tutorial, you’ll get started with Android paging library with Room Database, we will create simple emoji app that show emojis throw paging library and recyclerview what is paging library ? Android paging library is a component of android jetpack,  Paging Library helps you load and display small chunks of data at a time. Loading…

Android LiveData and ViewModel with Example.

In this tutorial, you’ll get started with Android LiveData, we will create simple Nots app that you can add new Nots and also edit or delete Nots. LIVEDATA: Livedata is an observable data holder class. Unlike a regular observable, livedata is lifecycle-aware, meaning it respects the lifecycle of other app components, such as activities, fragments,…

Android Room Database Example

In this tutorial, you’ll get started with Android Room, we will create simple Contacts app that you can add new contact and also edit or delete contacts. Room offers a layer of abstraction over SQLite to allow fluent access to the database while exploiting SQLite’s complete authority. To configure your app to use  Room, add the  Room component to the build.gradle file in the app module  Adding Room Entities Create a java class with getter and denoted it with @Entity annotations. On Database instance create table will created in…

Simple Data Binding Library Example

The Data Binding Library provides both flexibility and wide compatibility — it’s a support library, so you can use it on systems running Android 4.0 (API level 14) or greater. The example to show how to use data binding with RecyclerView displays a list of item in RecyclerView To configure your app to use data…

Android RecyclerView example

The RecyclerView class expands the ViewGroup class and actualizes ScrollingView interface. It is presented in Marshmallow. It is a propelled adaptation of the ListView with improved execution and different advantages. RecyclerView is for the most part used to structure the UI with the fine-grain authority over the rundowns and lattices of android application. Let’s Start…
